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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

New Victims of the Communist Terror in the Republic of Moldova

Declaration of Dorin Chirtoacă,General Mayor of the Municipality of Chisinau

The City Hall of the Municipality of Chisinau continues to investigate cases of mistreatment among those arrested following the April 7 protests. Twenty-five new cases of the use of force by the police have been documented.
Violence was also used against the political prisoner Andrei Ivantoc, who as a member of the Ilascu group was imprisoned for 15 years by the illegal regime in Tiraspol and is a citizen of honor of the Municipality of Chisinau.
To date, the City Hall of the Municipality of Chisinau has investigated the following:

 3 deaths, of which one is directly linked to the use of force by the police on the night of April 7 (the case of Valeriu Boboc);

 3 disappearances (Serghei Donici, 19 years old; Alexandru Galinschi, 27 years old, Tudorache Mihail, 23 years old);

 41 cases of inhumane and degrading treatment and torture.

The citizens of the Republic of Moldova continue to be attacked by police right in the street. Legal procedures are not respected when detentions take place. Two cases were documented in front of the Nasterea Domnului Cathedral in Chisinau on the night before Easter.
The release of those arrested does not take place as a result of the so-called “amnesty”, but due to the expiration of the terms of detention (e.g., the case of Eugen Cebanu, freed on April 21 after the 10 days of detention to which he had previously been sentenced).
The City Hall of the Municipality of Chisinau firmly condemns the grave violations of human rights that continue in the Republic of Moldova. We continue to request the immediate involvement of the international community to ensure:

• An end to the inhumane and degrading treatment and torture in the places of detention;
• The cessation of terror, kidnapping, threats, and intimidation;
• The ensuring of access to the places of detention by lawyers, NGOs, and the press;
• The guarantee of the rights of those persons who are detained, especially the right to defense in court;
• A complete report on the detentions carried out and the charges brought;
• The punishment of those guilty of committing the abuses mentioned.

We ask that those who have suffered as a result of police abuse or who can offer information about those who have disappeared please contact the City Hall of the Municipality of Chisinau to receive medical and legal assistance, as well to aid in the investigation of the cases of mistreatment and abuse. Contact numbers: (+373 22) 20 15 16, (+373 22)20 17 07, (+373 22) 22 10 02.

Mihai Brânză - beaten Saturday at 9:30pm in front of the Cathedral, where he and his family had attended the Easter resurrection mass. He and his brother were attacked by 3 men in civilian dress presenting themselves as policemen. They were savagely beaten while being asked if they participated in the April 7 protests. They were not arrested because they managed to flee.

Andrei Ivanţoc - concussion, contusion to the soft muscles of the head, contusion to the soft muscles of the right arm, fracture to the thumb of the right hand - former political detainee in the Transnistrian region as a member of the Ilascu group, 48 years old, peaceful protester. Subjected to violence in the street by riot police on April 7 in front of the presidential building, then transported by a group of youths to the emergency clinic.

Marius Malaniţchi - 15 years old, student at Ciprian Porumbescu High School. Hit by a sharp marble stone thrown from within the presidential building during the April 7 protests. Taken to the emergency clinic, then taken to the hospital. Photos exist.

Anatol Matasaru - fracture to the ribs and nose, concussion - 38 years old, technical manager at Marius Teodor SRL, participant in the protests (including in the rioting). The doctors at the medical clinic requested that he be admitted as an emergency case, but the police refused. Intimidated and forced to kiss the boots of the policemen, head and body stepped on, tortured. Arrested on April 8, 2009 for a term of 30 days. Video and photo testimony exist. Lawyer requested that a medical-legal examination be performed and was refused.

Alexandru Gisca - ruptured conjuctiva, hematoma of the inner eyelids, subjected to a surgical intervention in the left eye - 17 years old, peaceful protester. Beaten by three policemen in civilian dress on April 3, 2009 on Gheorghe Asachi Street, Chisinau Municipality. Annex: photo, medical-legal certificate.

Valeriu Rusu - student, peaceful protest participant. Beaten and treated violently at police headquarters, kept without food and water for several days, detained together with 14 others in a 1m x 1m cell. Video testimony exists.
Igor Darie – closed skull trauma, concussion - 23 years old, employed, did not participate in the protests. Arrested around midnight behind the parliamentary building, where he was beaten, after which he was taken to the Buiucani police station where he continued to be treated violently by the police. Photos and medical-legal certificates exist.

Ion Noroc - beaten by a police collaborator in front of the prosecutor - student at the Ion Creanga University of Pedagogy. Arrested at his university on April 8th at dorm number 6. Video testimony by the victim and his lawyer exist.
Dumitru Mozan - closed skull trauma, concussion - student in the eleventh grade at Gaudeamus High School, peaceful participant at the April 7 protest. Beaten during the protest by several policemen with fists and feet. Admitted to the hospital as a result of multiple blows delivered by the police. Video testimony and medical-legal certificate exist.

Veaceslav Guriţă - student and peaceful protester from Orhei. Arrested on April 8th around 12:30am on Ştefan cel Mare Street. Beaten with fists and feet during detention.

Grasun Valeriu - student, participated peacefully in the protests. Arrested on April 7 together with other protesters and taken to police headquarters, where he was beaten and kept in isolation for 14 days, after which he was subjected to 20 days of detention.

Ştefan Botnari - Arrested with force on April 8, 2009 in front of the City Hall of the Municipality of Chisinau. Taken to the Centru police station, where he was beaten, causing wounds and excruciating pain.

Ion Cuiban - student, 20 years old, peaceful protest participant. Arrested April 8, 2009 at 12:30am. Video testimony exists.
Nicolae Cojocar - student, d.o.b. Augut 5, 1985. Arrested on April 8, 2009 at 1:00am on Pushkin-Columna Street. Tortured by police collaborators, kept without food and water for 2 days. Passed through the “tunnel of death”.

Igor Calun - student, d.o.b. March 23, 1991. Arrested on April 10, 2009 around 9.30am in the courtyard of professional high school number 1, handcuffed and taken to the police station, tortured. Video testimony exists.
Artur Movilă - fourth-year student at UTM, 23 years old, peaceful protester, did not participate in the violent actions during the protest. Arrested on April 8, 2009 in the Chisinau Center on Renaşterii Street at 1:00am. Tortured by the police. Video recordings and photos exist.

Ion Pascal - student, d.o.b. February 7, 1987, peaceful protester, did not participate in the violent actions during the protest, visiting from Cahul. Arrested on April 8, 2009 at 2.:00am. Tortured by the police, who delivered blows to the chest and back. Audio testimony exists.

Vitalie Susan - d.o.b. August 9, 1990, treated violently by the police. Medical-legal certificate exists at the police station, but withheld by the police.

Vadim Andriuţă - closed thoracic trauma, left hemithoracic contusion, left post-traumatic pleurisy - born 1986, 23 years old, married, employed. Arrested in front of the government building and beaten by two policemen in uniform and one in civilian dress, taken to police headquarters and then dealt multiple blows below the ribs. Medical-legal certificate exists at the police station.

Eugen Cebanu - 20 years old, student, participated peacefully at the protest. Arrested on April 11, 2009 and beaten during arrest, then taken to police headquarters and charged with stealing a computer from the parliamentary building, after which he was hit multiple times by the police. Parents notified after 3 days. Video testimony exists.

Alexandru Cucu - concussion, multiple bruises on the body - 18 years old. Arrested on April 8, 2009, beaten by the police, and taken to the Vulcăneşti penitentiary, where 5 days of administrative detention were applied. Found by relatives only after 4 days of searching. Video testimony exists.

Ion Ionaşco - born 1980, peaceful protester. Arrested April 7, 2009 in the center of the capital, taken to police headquarters and beaten very savagely by the police. Suffered multiple traumas to the back, concussion, and various bruises. Released on April 17, 2009, after the carrying out of the sentence of 10 days of detention, without being guaranteed the right to defense in court.

Andrei Teraburcu - 20 years old (born 1988), student at the College of Management, protested peacefully. Arrested by the police on April 8, 2009 around 2.30am on Pushkin Street. Spent 3 days in the police headquarters of sector Botanica. Bodily wounds apparent.

Eugen Ursu – 19 years old, student at professional school number 1. On April 4, 2009 around 4pm taken from home to the police headquarters of sector Centru. Spent 6 days in police headquarters. Was not subjected to violence. Caught a cold due to inhumane conditions where she was kept.

Nicolae Bizgu - 17 years old, student in the 11th grade at Mircea Eliade High School, peaceful protester. Arrested April 9, 2009 during class, taken to the police headquarters of sector Centru, subjected to violence by the police.

Dorin Chirtoacă,
General Mayor of the Municipality of Chisinau

Sunday, April 19, 2009

US Press Release And The Failure To Understand The Situation

A few days ago the US State Department released this press statement:

"U.S. State Department Statement - Moldova: Aftermath of Protests

Released: April 16, 2009

The United States is concerned about the situation in Moldova following the violence on April 7. Although order has been restored and subsequent demonstrations have been peaceful, we have received reports from civil society and international observers of mistreatment of those detained by Moldovan authorities. We are also troubled by reports that students and journalists have been intimidated by government officials. President Voronin’s announcement of an amnesty for many of those detained is an encouraging step toward reconciliation.

We urge the government to act in accordance with Moldovan law and its international obligations when dealing with the opposition, protesters, and the media. All parties need to conduct themselves responsibly. It is also important that the government reach out to opposition parties and address their concerns about the April 5 election in a cooperative and transparent manner. We stress that there is no excuse for violence, such as took place on April 7. The United States remains committed to working closely with Moldova and its people as the country continues down the path of European integration. Respect for the rule of law and human rights are key elements in our relationship."

The main point of contention of this press release is the position taken towards President Voronin's statement. I reluctantly say President because unfortunately his mandate is not officialy over until the new President is sworn in (see http://www.prm.md/const.php?page=8320&lang=rom article 80, it's in Romanian so Google Translate might help). However the good news is that he is responsible for what happens under his watch and with the help of two thirds of the parliament can be prosecuted ( article 81, point 3). He has at least three deaths to answer for and many more human rights abuses. The US statement seems to comfortably avoid the finer points of his statement.

The first problem of trying to declare amnesty is the lack of legal authority to do so. According to the Constitution of Moldova article 66, amnesty is declared by the Parliament, not by the President. The Parliament is not formed yet as the opposition parties have not agreed to start their mandates therefore no amnesty can be granted.

The second problem is the problem of the legality of the arrests. Victor Boboc was found in a park dead, by the police account, with bruises on his body and a dent in the head, the police report saying it was death by intoxication. Ion Tabuleac was thrown out of car in the courtyard of the Hospital Emergency Chisinau from a Ministry of Interior car, he had deep wounds in the temple area, broken ribs and a fractured leg. We have the severely decomposed body of Eugean Tapu, we have many who have been abused and beaten, we have hundreds of arrests, we have parents who have no news from their children. To say that the arrests were conducted abusively is a severe understatement.

The third problem with the amnesty is that Voronin wants to grant it to the very people that abused the young man and women who protested in PMAN. The oath of the President of Moldova goes like this:

„Jur să-mi dăruiesc toată puterea şi priceperea propăşirii Republicii Moldova, să respect Constituţia şi legile ţării, să apăr democraţia, drepturile şi libertăţile fundamentale ale omului, suveranitatea, independenţa, unitatea şi integritatea teritorială a Moldovei”.

"I swear to give all my strength and skill to the betterment of The Republic of Moldova, to defend the Constitution and laws of the country, to defend democracy, the fundamental human rights and liberties, the soverignity, the independence, the unity and territorial integrity of Moldova."

The part about protecting the human rights is not a translation artifact but the actual wording of the oath for the President, in which case we can consider that the President broke his oath to his country and is guilty of treason. It seems that the only part of amnesty he wants to have is the one about amnesia (as amnesty comes from the Greek Ἀμνησία) where everybody forgets about the recent murders, abuses and frauds which happened in Moldova.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ca la Moldova/Like in Moldavia

A film about the realities of the contemporary Moldova.

A first class trip into dictatorship

A week of terror and dictatorship murders, sexual abuses and torture.

Two persons died.

This is what Moldova is passing through, starting with April 7, 2009, when the protesters manifested against rigged elections by storming the buildings of the Presidency and the Parliament.

The second day after the events, President Voronin, leader of the winning Communists Party in April 5 elections blames the opposition for organizing a coup d’etat and Romania for being involved in it. He declares Romanian Ambassador persona non grata and imposes visa regime for all Romanian

Meanwhile, the Police and Security Service is detaining and arresting youth, breaking procedural laws. They are cruelly beaten and maltreated.

The rest of the story here as a pdf download.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Flashmob protest in Cluj

En masse arrests at the Medical School in Chisinau

Hello, distinguished representatives of the editors in Chisinau in which us, the students still have trust. I don't know the situation of other students but the students at the University of Medicine are living in true terror. There are waves of arrests every day. Every day 12-15 of us are being taken away.

Yesterday it happened right under my eyes and of other colleagues - a cop with accompanied by 15 masked riot police, flashed some orders from some institution - from the Ministry of Interior or the dean. He had pictures of colleagues some of whom weren't even in the square because we were all in class, and just took them away. Evenings in the Malina Mica student campus are even worse - in front of the dorms usually there is a police van and they even do raids assisted by the Dean. Our only refuge is the library where we arrived relieved every day when we manage not to get arrested in the frequent raids - we stay here because we are afraid to go to our dorm rooms, but I heard that tonight they will also come here . More – it's being said that with the Easter holidays they will come to take us from our homes, from our parents places. We are very scared, not knowing what to do. We put together a committee of several people and wanted to go out in public to declare what is happening in our university, but we have been betrayed by the Dean himself and the Heads of the Departments together with the Rector. Two people from the committee have disappeared, we suspect they have been taken off the streets because we have not seen them anymore. We are afraid to tell anyone about this, because we might be betraied, we are afraid to go alone on the street because you might be arrested and nobody knows would know happened to us, we are afraid to go in pairs or three because we would then be suspected of plotting and be arrested, afraid to talk about what is happening because in one of the groups a teacher discussed on Monday with the students about the arrests and the next day they were arrested. We feel that those arrested feel less terror than we, who never know what will happen to us next.

There are also lots expulsions without reason, they say that by the order of the Ministry of Interior. Since when the Ministry of Interior gives orders to expel students who were successful in their studies, never missed classes, were not at protests, but just happened to pass by the square because public transport sometimes does not run on bd. Stefan Cel Mare and they had to walk through Piata Marii Adunari Nationale ? This happens here . We cannot live with the terror. Please help us!

Medical student

Second confirmed death due to Moldovan police abuse in Chisinau

Source www.realitatea.net
Tuesday, April 14th 2009 20:25

The body of a young man was thrown on the night of April 7, from a car of the Moldovan Ministry of Interior, in the courtyard of the hospital emergency Chisinau, Chisinau Journal reported in the online edition.

Ion Ţâbuleac corpse was thrown on the night of April 7, following the events of the capital, in the courtyard of the Hospital Emergency Chisinau. It had broken ribs, deep wounds in the temple area and a fractured leg. According to witnesses, the lifeless body of a young 22 years was thrown from a white car, brand Niva, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Parents of a young man of 22 years in the village Bolohani, Orhei district, received the morning of April 8 news of the death of his son. Tuesday evening, April 7, the day of protest actions in front of the Parliament and the Presidency, John Ţâbuleac would return to Moscow from Moldova.

He told his parents that he will be in Chisinau between 17-20.00. That night the young man did not come home. The next day, the parents Tatiana and Semion Ţâbuleac received news from doctors at the emergency hospital that their son had died electrocuted. They were asked to come to the hospital morgue with clothing for the deceased.

According to Semion Ţâbuleac, father of the boy, the dead parents were not allowed to see the lifeless body of his son. They saw the body after it was dressed. "One of the workers there told me that was brought by a Niva car, white, from the Ministry of Interior, and was thrown into the yard Emergency Hospital. It was only in trousers and a tank top. We were not allowed to see him in the clothes that he was brought in. He had a broken leg, and serveral broken ribs. He had deep wounds in the temple area " said his father.

The death certificate notes that the young man death would have happened after a thoracic trauma. "Our boy had no document on him. First we were told that they have found him in the street. If he had been found like that, incidentally, in the street, ask yourselves how they managed to find out who he is and where he is from, and how the second day they found us and got in touch with us to inform us of his death" said Tatiana the mother of the young man.

John was buried Saturday, April 11. Parents have not consulted a lawyer and say they want to know the truth about the death of their son.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chisinau Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca Appeals Agains Violence And Terror in Moldova

April 12, 2009

Dear Mr/Mrs,

The Republic of Moldova encounters severe violations of human rights. Following the manifestations on 7th of April 2009, when the presidential and parliament buildings were seized by the protesters, the Moldovan police unleashed a wave of mass terror and intimidation against the citizens. Youth, including minors, has been particularly targeted. Journalists who did not participate in the protests were arrested along with protesters, both violent and peaceful.

The police acted in full force and have been arresting people on the street, students in high schools, universities and youth hostels, but also church attendants returning from the Easter mass. The arrest procedure is not followed through. Those apprehended, men or women, are beaten with cruelty and subjected to inhumane and degrading treatment. There are reports of torture and one death. Not all arrests have been reported. There are still parents in search of their missing children to whom access to their children’s’ whereabouts is denied.

Those released contend that the arrested are kept in dreadful conditions (15-20 people in a 10 m2 cell), beaten with brutality and compelled to sign under false statements. Spot trials are held in police premises with no or limited access to defense. The access to detention facilities is denied including to lawyers and human rights organizations. The repeated requests of the mayor of Chisinau to access the detention facilities were irrefutably turned down.

According to the police, 200 citizens remain under arrest. However, the Moldovan media compiled a list of some 800 missing people believed to be in police’s arrest. Over 50 people were hospitalized in Chisinau after having been beaten by police. There is information that in order to hide the abuses, the detained citizens are transported in other municipalities like Taraclia, Vulcanesti.

We therefore request your immediate involvement to:• Secure the observance of human rights;
• Stop the inhuman and degrading treatment, torture in places of detention;
• Cessation of terror, the abduction of persons, threats and intimidation;
• Demand access to defence attorneys and fair trial;
• Ensure access the NGOs and media in places of detention;
• Guarantee the rights of the detent, primarily in defense;
• End the illegal arrests;
• Punish the guilty people of committing abuses and release the innocent ones.

Evidence and Pictures:
Herein are the brief information and audio/video testimonies of those people who were arrested, abused and kidnapped.

Sergiu Cretu –bone fracture of humerus (arm): 23 years old, peaceful protester, beaten at the police station. For his own secure, refused to be photographed.

A young person, who request anonymity – bone fracture of humerus (arm), cerebral concussion, muscles contusions/bruises: 23 years old, peaceful protester, beaten in the Park by the police which were civilian-dressed and in uniform.

A young person, who request anonymity – torture, cerebral concussion, muscles contusions/bruises: 19 years old, did not participate in any protests, insulted, humiliated and beaten at the police station.

Popa Andrei – cerebral concussion, facial contusion/bruises: 18 years old, did not participate in any protest, beaten at the police station, received no food and water during 24 hours, were arrested 22 people in 12 m2

Roscot Denis - cerebral concussion, nasal bones fracture, facial contusion: 20 years old, student, peaceful protester, beaten at the police station, forced to sign a false statement, handcuffed to the hospital bed for one night.

Damian Hancu – torture, cerebral concussion, fracture of the arm fingers, muscle contusions/bruises: student at the Faculty of Law in Lyon, France. 23 years old, peaceful protester, did not participate in violent actions. Was held by the civilian-dressed state police, on April 7, in the center of Chisinau, as a result of discussions with Swedish journalists. After being tortured, by the policemen during several hours, he was forced to sign a false statement - guilty for instigation and bribed by the opposition to participate in protests. Herein you can find attached the audio/video testimony of Damian Hancu in English, the medical certificate and the request to the prosecutor.

Valeriu Boboc - dead, broken ribs as a result of strikes, a dent on the head as a result of blows with blunt objects: 23 years old, workman, married, father of a 1.5 year old child; peaceful participant at the protest . Arrived in the Square after 5.00 p.m., when the presidential and parliament buildings were ravaged. Killed as a result of the massive police attack on protesters in the night of 7 to April 8. According to the police - found dead in the Great National Assembly Square. Cause of death according to the certificate of death (hereof attached) - unknown toxic poisoning.

Yours sincerely,

Dorin Chirtoaca,
General Mayor of Chisinau

I: Electronic resources in English and Romanian concerning current events in the Republic of Moldova

In English about Moldova’s events from Moldovan sources (media and blogs):
1. The http://unimedia.info/ starting with April 7, 5.06 PM are regularly updating the website to inform the public with the turn of events. Videos and photo streams can also be accessed there.
2. The electronic version of the Ziarul de Garda newspaper is posting articles/reportages about the events http://garda.com.md/eng/ (http://garda.com.md/stiri/frauds-announced-bay-people )
3. http://www.azi.md/en http://www.azi.md/en
4. http://www.info-prim.md/?
5. http://politicalmoldova.wordpress.com/ This is the blog of Dumitru Minzarari, MA in International Political Security from Columbia University
International sources about events in Moldova:
1. http://blogs.euobserver.com/popescu/2009/04/08/what-do-the-moldovan-protesters-want/ Nicu Popescu is a research fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), London office, dealing with the Eastern neighbourhood of the EU.
2. The EuroActiv publishes on April 8th an article about the situation in Moldova with Reuters: http://euractiv.com/en/enlargement/moldova-calls-help-election-riot-outbreak/article-181134. At the end of this article one can see opinions of international representatives about the events and a list with links to articles and blogs about the events in Moldova in Romanian, English, Russian and Polish.
3. Amnesty International published on April 9th an article on organizers of peaceful demonstrations being blamed for violence in Moldova: http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/news/organizers-peaceful-demonstration-blamed-violence-moldova-20090409
4. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/08/world/europe/08moldova.html?_r=2&hp
5. http://frontlineclub.com/blogs/danielbennett/2009/04/the-myth-of-the-moldova-twitter-revolution.html
6. http://www.scrapsofmoscow.org/
7. http://neteffect.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2009/04/07/moldovas_twitter_revolution
8. www.kosmopolito.org (Kosmopolito covers topics related to politics and culture from a European perspective with an emphasis on EU politics, Eastern Europe and international politics
9. http://worldfocus.org/blog/2009/04/08/moldova-erupts-into-violent-protests-after-elections/4827/ Worldfocus responds to the mainstream media’s diminished coverage of international news.
10. http://smetanka.blogspot.com/2009/04/moldova-overview-of-blog-coverage-of.html
11. http://www.agoravox.com/article.php3?id_article=9677 AgoraVox puts together one of the first large-scale European initiatives for a totally free of charge "citizen journalism". AgoraVox is a multimedia platform available to every citizen willing to spread new information.
12. http://globalvoicesonline.org/2009/04/08/moldova-grape-revolutiontwitter-revolution/ Global Voices is a leading participatory media news room for voices from the developing world. Begun in 2005 as a simple blog hosted at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, Global Voices has grown into a vibrant global community of more than 150 active volunteer authors and translators and more than 20 freelance part- time regional and language editors.
13. http://www.jcm.org.uk/blog/?p=2158
14. http://julienfrisch.blogspot.com/2009/04/developing-story-violent-demonstrations.html

In Romanian about events in Moldova (media and blogs):
1. www.unimedia.md
2. http://www.curaj.net/
3. www.jurnaltv.md
4. www.publictv.md
5. www.hotnews.md
6. www.azi.md
7. www.info-prim.md
8. www.garda.com.md
9. www.civic.md
10. http://npopescu.yam.ro/ Nicu Popescu is a research fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), London office, dealing with the Eastern neighbourhood of the EU.
11. http://ionmarandici.blogspot.com/
12. http://pmfu.blogspot.com/
13. http://spataru.blogspot.com/
14. http://www.namashco.com/blog/2009/04/09/don%E2%80%99t-panic-please-remain-calm/#more-220
15. http://oleg-cristal.blogspot.com/
16. http://vladaciobanu.com/
17. http://hodorogea.com/2009/04/08/foto-pman-set/#more-688
18. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/0,,11630,00.html
19. http://www.culiuc.com/archives/2009/04/protest_info.phtml. Alexandru Culiuc is currently a PhD student at Harvard University
20. www.adevarul.ro
21. www.hotnews.ro

II .NGOs promoting human rights in Moldova

1. Moldovan Institute for Human Rights
Contact person: Vanu Jereghi, Executive Director; Lawyer
GSM: +373-79378260
Tel : (+373 22) 838-408; Fax/Tel (+373 22) 244-911
Moldovan Institute for Human Rights (IDOM) is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 2007 by a group of lawyers and defenders of human rights. The members of IDOM are experienced in monitoring the respect for human rights and the honoring of obligations which the Republic of Moldova accepted before the OSCE, the United Nations and the Council of Europe. The major aim of IDOM is to contribute to the education, promotion and defence of rights and liberties guaranteed by national and international legislation.

2. Promo-LEX Association
Contact person: Ion Manole, Chairman; Lawyer; GSM: +373-69070800
Alexandu Postica, Executive Director, Lawyer; GSM: +373-69104851
Promo- Lex Association is a non-governmental, not-for-profit and politically independent organization, working for the public good and performing its activity in accordance with the Republic of Moldova’s current legislation. It was established in 2002 and registered by the RM Minister of Justice.
Promo-LEX’s mission is to advance democracy in Republic of Moldova through promoting and defending Human Rights and Civil Society strengthening.

3. Amnesty International Moldova
Contact person: Evghenii Golosceapov, Executive Director
GSM:+373-69323701,+373-78250860, +373-65684882
Tel: (+373-22) 83-58-08
Fax: (+373-22) 29-09-27
E-mail: info@amnesty.md
Webpage: www.amnesty.md
Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights to be respected and protected for everyone. AI mission is to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated.

4. Resource Center for Human Rights CReDO
Contact person: Serghei Ostaf, Executive Director
E-mail: ostaf@credo.md
Tel: (373 22) 212816, 212819,
Fax: (373 22) 225257;
CReDO promotes democratic changes and contributes towards Moldova’s European accomplishment by offering solutions and policy choice for societal wealth and organizational sustainability.

5. Council of Nongovernmental Organizations from Moldova
Contact person: Antonita Fonari, Secretary of NGO Council
GSM: +373-79450028
Email: director@tineriliberi.md
Tel: (+373 22) 567 549; fax: (+373 22) 567 489

III. Media NGOs from Moldova

1. The Association of Independent Press
Contact person: Petru Macovei, Executive Director
Tel: +373-220996
E-mail: pmacovei@api.md
Website: www.api.md
The Association of Independent Press (API) is a non-governmental organization that was established to support apolitical mass media. The main goal of API is to enhance the impact of independent press from Republic of Moldova and bring its contribution to the creation and strengthening of the open society. The Association of Independent Press (API) is one of the most important media organizations from Republic of Moldova, bringing together the politically non-affiliated press. API is a member of the World
Association of Newspapers

2. Independent Journalism Center
Contact person: Nadine Gogu, Interim Director
Tel: (+373 22) 213652, 227539
Fax: (+373 22) 226681
Website: www.ijc.md
The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that provides assistance to journalists and media institutions in the Republic of Moldova. IJC sees its mission in supporting professional journalism and aims at contributing to the consolidation of a qualitative, independent and impartial press.Since February 2000 IJC has been a member of the South East European Network for Professionalisation of the Media (SEENPM), since June 2001 – a member of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX), and since April 2002 it is a member of the Secretariat of the Media Work Group for the Republic of Moldova under the aegis of the Media Task Force within the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe.

3. Access-info - Freedom of Expression and Acces to Information Promotion Center
Contact person: Vasile Spinei, Executive Director
Tel/fax: +373-281394
E-mail: accesinfo1@yahoo.com
Website: www.acces-info.org.md
The objectives of Acces-info are the promotion of legal framework of the most important international regulations related to the access to information, freedom of expression and transparency in the decision making process; training of the representatives of civil society, public officials, journalists, jurists and other relevant actors concerning access to information, etc. Members of Access-info were actively involved in the elaboration of the draft Law on access to information. The experts of Acces-info Center were also involved in the elaboration of the Law on transparency in the decision making process, which was approved by the Parliament in November 2009. The Center is member of FOIA (Freedom of Information Advocates) Network, Coalition for Free and Fair Elections in Moldova – 2009, Anti-corruption Alliance, Civic Initiative for a Clean Parliament and has resource groups in all the regions of the country.

4. Journalistic Investigations Center
Contact person: Cornelia Cozonac, Chairwoman
E-mail: centrul_de_investigatii@yahoo.com
Tel/fax: +373-22- 235704
Website: www.investigatii.md
Journalistic Investigations Center (CIN) was created in 2003 by a group of investigation journalists and media organizations. The mission of CIN is to improve the quality of investigation journalism in Moldova, to consolidate de community of investigation journalists, to promote the freedom of expression, free access to documents and information of public interest and offer legal assistance to investigation journalists. CIN is a resource center for media and journalists and it offers a rich database with contacts at local and national level, as well as other useful information for investigations.

Association for Electronic Press (APEL)
Tel/Fax: (373 22) 204 766, (373 22) 212 254
E-mail: info@apel.md
Web: http://www.apel.md
APEL represents and NGO forum of national and regional NGOs and it undertakes research activities and monitoring activities. It has been active in presenting monitoring reports on the presence of political / electoral actors on TV station throughout the campaign.

IV. Think tank NGOs from Moldova

1. Institute for Public Policy (IPP)
Contact person: Arcadie Barbarosie, Executive Director
Tel/Fax: (373 22) 27 67 85, (373 22) 27 67 86
E-mail: arcadie_barbarosie@ipp.md
Web: http://www.ipp.md
The Public Policy Institute is an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit organization, committed to the values of individual liberty, democratic society, rule of law, free market economy. Through research, publications, policy recommendations and public forums the Institute provides political, business, academic community and media leadership with a deep analysis of public policy issues confronting our society in order to improve the policymaking process.

2. Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT
Contact person: Igor Botan, Chairman
Tel/Fax: (373 22) 21-29-92, (373 22) 21-34-94
E-mail: adept@e-democracy.md
Web: http://www.e-democracy.md/en/
ADEPT is an independent centre of analysis and consultation on the decision-making, political, electoral and socio-economic processes in the Republic of Moldova and in the wider region. ADEPT's mission is to promote the democratic values and support citizen active participation in public affairs. ADEPT is a member of the Council of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections „Coalition 2009” (http://www.alegeliber.md/index.php/en ) and a member of of the Civic Initiative for a Clean Parliament (http://www.moldovacurata.md)

3. Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul”Contact person: Igor Munteanu, Chairman
Tel/Fax: (373 22) 21 09 32, (373 22) 21 36 32, (373 22) 22 71 30
E-mail: office@viitorul.org, igor.munteanu@viitorul.org
Web: www.viitorul.org

IDIS is a liberal think tank, which is not affiliated to the government or to any political partyThe mission is to contribute to the growth of independent thinking environment in Moldova and in other emerging democracies; to assist the creation of a modern, viable and open market-economy, to assist the expansion of the civil society in which the citizens act together to express their own interests, to exchange information and to strive for mutual goals and influence government. IDIS “Viitorul” is member of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections „Coalition 2009”.

4. “Expert Grup” Independent Analysis Center
Contact person: Valeriu Prohnitchi, Executive Director
Tel/Fax: (373 22) 211599, (373 22) 929994, (373 22) 921776, (373 22) 930014
E-mail: info@expert-grup.org, valeriu@expert-grup.org
Web: http://expert-grup.org
EXPERT-GRUP is an independent think tank, located in the Republic of Moldova. The think tank is politically non-affiliated and non-profit entity. The institution is specialized in research, consulting and conducting trainings on social and economic policies.

5. Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE)
Contact person: Andrei Popov, Executive Director
Tel/Fax: (373 22) 224430, (373 22) 210986
E-mail: office@ape.md,
Web: http://www.ape.md

JOINT ACTION: Twenty-five IFEX members and 10 other organisations protest violations of access to information rights and attacks on journalists follow

source: International Freedom of Expression eXchange

April 14th, 2009

Declaration of Media Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) on the situation of the press:

The undersigned media NGOs express concern about the degradation of the media situation in Moldova following parliamentary elections on 5 April 2009. This included the violation of the right to access information of public interest, and harassment of journalists.

On Monday, 6 April, the day after parliamentary elections were held, protests erupted when the election results were announced amid claims from opposition parties that the poll had been rigged. Opposition leaders have backed the protests of thousands of people, saying the election result was fraudulent. They condemned the violence, but said the protests would continue. The peaceful protests have now turned into violent confrontations with police forces in many areas.

On 7 April, at least 19 foreign journalists who were trying to travel from Romania to Chisinau were stopped at the border crossings of Galati-Giurgiulesti and Cahul-Oancea, according to Romanian sources. Then on 8 April, a BBC journalist was prevented from entering Moldova. Moldovan customs officials provided varying reasons why the journalists were stopped at the borders, in some cases demanding special medical insurance and accreditation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MAEIE) in Chisinau, although normally only a foreign passport is required to cross the border between Romania and Moldova. Moreover, Moldovan legislation stipulates that foreign journalists require accreditation only for access to official information, and only if they wish to be accredited as a permanent correspondent in Moldova.

On the evening of Wednesday, 8 April, several reporters from the investigative newspaper "Ziarul de Garda" were harassed by police officers. Journalists had their arms twisted, and police threatened to destroy their cameras. On the same day, Oleg Brega, a cameraman for the Internet-based Jurnal TV, was beaten by several people in plain clothes who seized two video cameras. Also that night, PRO TV Chisinau cameraman Constantin Rogodantiev was assaulted by police forces behind a government building.

Moreover, on 9 April, Facebook and the social networking website Odnoklassniki.ru became inaccessible to users in Moldova. Also on 8 April, the server of the unimedia.md information portal was attacked several times. Other online resources were inaccessible in Moldova during this period, while at least two broadcasters, Realitatea TV and TVR 1, stopped broadcasting on Moldovan territory. Thus, the public was deprived of important international sources of information.

In these circumstances, the signatory organisations protest vehemently against attacks on journalists by representatives of the law, and demand an immediate end to these abusive and illegal practices, as well as an investigation into these cases to bring to account those responsible for abuses against journalists.

Also, underlying the importance of observing the constitutional right of access to information of citizens through media, Internet and other available means, the signatory organisations call on Moldovan authorities to ensure media freedom under the obligations incumbent to Moldova as a member of the Council of Europe.


ActiveWatch - Media Monitoring Agency, Romania
Adil Soz - International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech, Kazakhstan
Albanian Media Institute, Albania
Arab Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI), Egypt
ARTICLE 19, United Kingdom
Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM), Serbia
Association of Independent Press, Moldova
Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), Bahrain
Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (ABRAJI), Brazil
Broadcast Media Association, Moldova
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE), Canada
Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI)
Centre for the Defence and Promotion of Press Freedom in Algeria (CALP), Algeria
Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ), Romania
Freedom House, United States
Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP), Colombia
Independent Journalism Center (IJC), Moldova
Index on Censorship, United Kingdom
Institute for Press and Society (IPYS), Venezuela
Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety (IRFS), Azerbaijan
Investigative Journalism Center, Croatia
Investigative Journalism Center, Moldova
Media Development Center, Bulgaria
Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), Australia
Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), Namibia
Media Rights Agenda, Nigeria
Media Watch, Bangladesh
Observatoire pour la liberté de presse d'édition et de création (OLPEC), Tunisia
Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF), Pakistan
Paraguayan Union of Journalists (SPP), Paraguay
Romanian Center for Investigative Journalism, Romania
Union of Journalists of Moldova
World Association of Newspapers, France
World Press Freedom Committee, United States
Young Journalist Center of Moldova

Message of President of Romania, Traian Băsescu, in front of the Chambers of Parliament

(14 April 2009)

Dear Presidents of both Chambers,
Esteemed members of the Government,
Ladies and Gentlemen MPs,
Your excellent,
Dear Romanian,

I asked to go before both Chambers of Parliament to express my concern over recent events in Moldova. I believe we have an obligation to analyze the situation along the eastern border of our country, which also borders the European Union.
Many have asked why the President of Romania has not reacted immediately.

I did not want to respond to provocations in the last week, which sought to justify repressive actions by invoking attitudes and actions of Romania. But we cannot be quiet indefinitely, even if we may be only have a partial assessment.

There are voices who say that Romania should forget about Moldova, to pretend that we do not have a special relationship with the citizens of this country. For these I ask "How do you look upon the one that abandons his brother in dire times ?"

Our moral duty is not to abandon those who speak, those who claim the same history as us, those who will have a future in Europe with Romanians, whether they are Romanians, Ukrainians, Russians or other ethnicities. Romania does not want to claim the rights of territories lost in the past, Romania does not want to discuss the borders and sovereignty of Moldova. It is in the interest of Romania to be directly adjacent to a stable and prosperous country.

As a European country, we have a responsibility to inform both our allies and other countries of the world of what happens beyond the Prut. Our atittude starts with the values that underpin the European Union, the community of countries that have the mission, as was written in the Treaty of Rome in 1957, to promote peace and freedom, calling all the peoples of Europe who share these ideals to join in.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We were the first country to recognize the Republic of Moldova, immediately after their independence proclaimation on 27 August 1991. Romania was the first state to establish diplomatic relations with Chisinau in order to build normal relations between the citizens on both sides of the Prut. Romania made the gesture even if the territory east of the Prut was broken off by the Fascist-Communist Pact, Molotov-Ribbentrop, declared by the Parliament of Romania as unlawful and arbitrary.

In the first years after 1989 we began our long journey to build a modern and democratic society based on respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Both Romania and Moldova were along a common route from totalitarian regimes to states of Europe.Both Romania and Moldova had a stated devotion to the unique relationship of our common language and common history. European values were shared both in Bucharest and Chisinau, and integration into the European family was the common will in both states.

Before becoming part of the European Union, Romania went through a long process of detachment from the totalitarian past. The International Commission on the Holocaust and the Commission for the Analysis of the Communist Dictatorship in Romania have made a necessary clarification of the work of our history of the last century, pulling a line of demarcation between Romania and the two types of modern totalitarianism that gripped Romania for the past half century. Thus, we could look with confidence towards our European future.

Citizens of the Republic of Moldova have been victims of a totalitarian system which has left deep traces. Romanian identity denial is part of this totalitarian legacy. For a whole generation of young people, studying the Romanian language and literature or the history of Romanians became a proof of courage. To have Mass in a church belonging to the Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia was often an act of heroism, although freedom of religion should be respected as a universal right.

The trauma of communism found in the premise that the Moldovan identity is gaind through denouncing Romania and its citizens. We will not accept that Romanians are culpabile because they are Romanian. We will not accept that Romanians are accused of actions to destabilize the Republic of Moldova. We will not tolerate that Romanians across the Prut are humiliated because they do not believe in a system of hostile to open society.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Romania supports Moldova unconditionally. Is in ourdirect interest that the Republic of Moldova fulfills its destiny in Europe, according to the aspirations of its citizens of living in security and in democratic stability. Our country believes that democratization and modernization of the Republic of Moldova, as well as respect for human rights and civil liberties of its citizens, are fundamental elements that affect the quality of relations with our neighbor, and they should be pursued regardless of the political power in Chisinau, as long as it has been legitimized by fair elections.

Without asking anything in return, I became an European advocate for the Republic of Moldova. I used this same approach to give evidence in support of our efforts at the UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, NATO and other regional organizations. I supported the inclusion of Moldova in the projects under the Stability Pact for South East Europe in the Process of Cooperation in South Eastern Europe (SEECP), the Free Trade Agreement in Central Europe (CEFTA), the Organization for Cooperation Economics in the Black Sea (BSEC), the Initiative for Cooperation in South Eastern Europe (SECI), lists which are only part of the evidence of support from our side.

Romania has constantly attracted the attention of the international community, the European Union and NATO, to the threat represented by frozen conflicts, and especially the Transnistrian conflict. Romania pleaded for the involvement of the European Union and the United States, together with the OSCE, the Russian Federation and Ukraine on the issue of regulating the situation in the Transnistrian region. Romania supported the decision of the European Union to engage in this issue concretely through the creation and implementation of the EU Monitoring Mission of the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, being satisfied with the results that the mission had produced in the field. We also appreciated the appointment of a European Union Special Representative for Moldova and appointment of a representative of the European Commission to Moldova. In addition, we have brought up the subject of Moldova constantly at the European Council sessions.

Economic exchanges between Romania and Moldova have increased steadily. Exports from Moldova to Romania grew strongly especially in the last year, supported by an asymmetric preferential trade regime granted by the European Union. Romania is now the third source of imports and the first destination of exports from Moldova.

However, the response of the authorities in Chisinau was generally oriented towards preventing the normal development of bilateral relations. Thus, Romania has been accused, repeatedly, of "imperialism" and "expansionism", including at the European Court of Human Rights, where Romania only defended its own citizens.

Romanian identity was attacked by the counterfeiting of national history, putting into question the unity of language, discouraging ethnic affirmation and discriminatory treatment applied to the Romanian language press. In addition, to problems which had technical solutions such as the request to open two consulates in Balti and Cahul or local border traffic, we received as a response propaganda which is detrimental to the interests of the citizens of Moldova.

Ladies and gentlemen,
In the last four years, despite the discontinuity, we have tried to relaunch bilateral relations. Due to these efforts and belief that it is in the interest of citizens of both countries to benefit from a constructive relationship, we managed to have almost every year calls and meetings with the Head of State, Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister.

We have proposed and achieved a maximum commitment to political dialogue. Each time, after such a positive start, leaders in Chisinau launched into public diplomacy, with various allegations, unfounded, against the Romanian party, to block almost everything that had previously been agreed upon. We did not quit, we did not engage in sterile disputes, we did not cancel resources or arrangements already agreed upon, but I continued to remain positive, in charge of the interests of citizens of Romania and Moldova. We are convinced that we have no right to enter into the logic of escalation, not from the specificity of bilateral relations and the spirit of European standards. We will not resign from the European values and the obligations incumbent upon us through the historical unity of language and culture between the two countries.

Despite an approach in which we demonstrated an openness and willingness for dialogue, we are again confronted with the hostile attitude of the authorities in Moldova, with unprecedented allegations. Allegations, but no evidence!

These actions try to outsource internal problems about the origin of Moldova with the idea of an external enemy and from this approach, the charges against the Romanian state are unacceptable and raise serious questions about the reasons, goals and significance of this political attitude.

What is being tried, is throwing the responsability for the steps taken back in the democratization process, even the responsibility for the economic and social difficulties within Moldova to Romania. These accusations oblige me to say that Romania is not responsible for the failure of democratization in Moldova, but those who lead it dangerously back to the Soviet communist past.

The allegations of Moldova show bad faith and attempt to misinform. For example, the neighbor state announced the introduction of visa regime for Romanian citizens, stressing that such Romanian citizens will pay taxes as citizens of the Republic of Moldova paid for Romanian visas. In reality, citizens of Moldova have not paid any fee for a visa, although Romania granted annually about 120 thousand visas, more than all other European Union Member States put together. The implementation by the Chisinau authorities of a visa regime for Romanian citizens, who are also European citizens, was in breach of agreements in force between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union in terms of movement of people and shows the attitude and arbitrary discrimination of the authorities in Chisinau.

They have affected relations with Romania by the initiation of hostile political actions, such as the declaration of our ambassador as persona non grata. However, Romania did not take countermeasures and will remain consistent in its support for an active policy to benefit the citizens of Moldova and for the integration of this state in the European Union.

Our country has condemned the violence and destruction that were recorded during the demonstrations in Chisinau and has drawn attention to the necessity of compliance with democratic rules. Responsibility of ensuring the order is the responsibility of the leadership of Moldova. Events in Chisinau, where authorities have allowed, I repeat, have allowed access to the premises of the main state institutions, raises important questions. Violent acts of a week ago, including the devastation of public institutions have not served any cause, no political opposition. They have served only those who actually committed and provoked, the people who now hold power.

Violence is not a solution. Only by reaching an agreement on the democratization process can we reopen the current deadlock.

We are worried about retaliation by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova through serious violations of human rights. The situation is aggravated by blocking and limiting access and activities of media representatives, actions that attempt to hide the abuse of public opinion and the brutal forces of order. Journalists that can still send notes, tell about abductions of persons, wrongful detention, threats, terrorization of citizens, manufacturing records, and questioning without providing legal assistance for detained persons.

Even if parliamentary elections were conducted properly, the freedoms of citizenship can not be trampled upon. We have learned from recent history that the censorship of the media, violence and threats on journalists reflect a sense of illegitimacy and non-representation .

It is condemnable the threat of deadly force against citizens threats, threats coming from some important leaders in the Republic of Moldova, threats that betray an incomprehensible attitude towards the value of the life of every human. Also note that the use of weapons against civilian populations, among which Romanian citizens are found, constitutes a crime. In the recording, in such circumstances, of human victims, the Romanian authorities will take all measures to bring before the international criminal court the persons who executed and ordered such actions.

Romania shows its concern over the illegal aggression and the measures taken so far against Romanian citizens.

We believe that the failure to inform the Romanian Embassy of the arrested or detained Romanian citizens and the interdiction on them to contact the Embassy in order to receive consular assistance constitute serious violations of international regulations. We demand the authorities in Chisinau to provide the representatives of the Romanian Embassy access to citizens of Romania, if this situation exists.

In the recent days there has been brutal pressure against citizens of the Republic of Moldova, which are affirming their ethnic Romanian identity. Intances of Romanophobia encouraged by the current power in Moldova, and by limiting any rights of free expression on ethnicity are unacceptable manifestations of intolerance characteristic of deeply undemocratic governance, foreign to the European spirit.

Due to repression such as are taking place in Moldova, violations of basic freedoms, human rights, freedom of expression, expulsion of journalists and charges against the Romanian state we demand the start an European investigation in order to determine the people reponsible for the abuses.

Given that punitive measures will continue, we will review, in accordance with international norms, forms of humanitarian assistance and protection for those whose life and physical integrity are threatened.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I commend the courage and professionalism of journalists who have correctly reflected developments in the neighboring state, providing access to information when it is was seeked to be suppressed. I appreciated the gesture of solidarity of the Romanian media institutions that have provided and will provide support to colleagues in Moldova.

We remind you that Article 7 of the Constitution of the Romanian state states the obligation to support ethnic Romanians outside the country. We will continue to provide support to persons in the Republic of Moldova who considere and feel themselves to be Romanian, to maintain their identity. We cannot accept that the Romanian people over the Prut River are isolated from the rest of Europe. We cannot accept that, especially the young generation, have no chance to travel freely, to study in our country or the rest of Europe.

Also in this regard, remember that Romanian law provides for the recovery on request of the Romanian citizenship by former citizens of our state and their descendants who were deprived of this status against their will. It is found that the bureaucratic process required by this law drastically limits the number of people who actually enjoy it. Therefore, we asked that the Government, as a matter of urgency, amend the citizenship law so that we can facilitate and expedite the recovery of citizenship of those who lost it in an abusive way, and their families to the third degree.
Thus, the Romanians from Moldova will be able to recover their Romanian citizenship in an accelerated maner and will become from a legal point of view, not only moral, members of the great European family.

We will continue to offer non-discriminatory free access to all young people in Moldova who wish to study in the Romanian language in schools and universities in Romania. We will continue to support projects and programs of cultural spirituality in Romanian Moldova. We will continue to offer the possibility for representatives of local authorities over the Prut to benefit from the expertise of their Romanian colleagues. We will continue to support the development of civil society in Moldova, knowing from its own experience, the benefits that it brings about with democratic consolidation.

Now I want to address in particular the younger generation over the Prut:

Dear young people who put your hope in Romania, we put hope in the European institutions,

The future can only be yours! Trust the forces of freedom!

Communist totalitarianism is the past and its place is in textbooks and books which describes its crimes.

Moldova cannot be isolated. 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall no one has the right to raise a wall between our countries.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, the east border of the European Union is a conflict between two systems of values.
On 18 December 2006, before the entry of Romania into the European Union, on behalf of European and universal values, we condemned the communist regime in Romania. Today we have concern that the realities that we officially condemned in our communist regime are found at the border of Romania in the 21st century: the absence of rule of law, ethnic discrimination, repression of opponents, censorship, attacking of Romanian culture, the use of poverty to create dependency of power, political threat to use force against a states own citizens. Here are items that, taken together, create an atmosphere of terror.

Two decades after the anticommunist revolutions of 1989, I reaffirm the supreme values which have inspired those who have decided to no longer live in lies: individual freedom cannot be negotiated, there is no justification for human degradation on behalf of a false state or party, nobody has the monopoly of truth and nobody can deny the right of citizens to express their views or free movement to organize independent political parties.

I make a call to all political parties in Romania, to all leaders of opinion, to understand this moment as a moment of national solidarity, as a moment that should not divide us, but will instead, show them all that we are realistic, united and that we must defend our national interests.

Romania reaffirms the principles of the UN Charter and the Final Act from Helsinki, calling to respect the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Moldova. At the same time, we have a legal duty, honor and moral commitment to Romanians over the Prut.

Romania will support the democratization and the Europeanisation of Moldova. We will expedite the granting of Romanian citizenship to those who have this right, we will use all instruments of national and European policy to strengthen cultural ties and economic relations with Moldova to and to develop assistance to central and local government to facilitate the access of pupils and students to resources for education in Romania.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Romania will not allow the Prut to transform into a new iron curtain, the Prut should be only a temporary line demarcating the border of the European Union, until the Republic of Moldova joins the European Union, a process that our country will support you unconditionally.
Thank you!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Flash Mob Announcement

You are invited to participate in a flash mob to show solidarity with the protests in Moldova! Flash-mob is a project that is based on a "unexplained" mobilization of people; it’s a way to expression for those who participate. This is not an action meeting or a violation of public order. There is nothing illegal in showing human solidarity towards the demonstrators from Chisinau resisting the communist regime. Although this flash mob does not have organizers, each of us is responsible for passing on the message of solidarity.

Whether you come or not, forward this invitation to friends and acquaintances you think are interested.


Place: Cluj Napoca, bus station Arte Plastice (at the roundabout of Mărăşti) trolley bus route 6

Day and time: Wednesday, April 15, 8:00 AM

Duration: 30 minutes

1. Find out about the situation in Moldova, the questioning and even torture of young Moldovans who resist the communist regime from Chisinau. First, look at this short interview on YouTube

2. Because the person in the film may be any of us, it can even be a dear friend or even your brother, show the world what happened, how an authoritarian regime has betrayed his ideals, tortured and accused him vandalism and violence.

3. Take a red scarf, long enough that you can tie it over your mouth.

4. Wednesday, April 15, at 8:00 AM, we meet in the Arte Plastice trolley station on the Aurel Vlaicu Street, at the roundabout of Marasti.

5. Get in first trolleybus no. 6 appearing after 8:05 AM. Stay on the aisle, standing towards the passengers, wearing the red scarf over your mouth.

6. Flashmob lasts 30 minutes, enough to last the entire route.

7. Important! Keep silent throughout, do not initiate any conversation. After 30 minutes, get out of the trolley and continue your way without talking to people.

8. Wear the following days a white scarf (bandana) on your arm in sign of solidarity with young demonstrator in Moldova.

Send this message by email, messenger, Twitter, myspace, hi5 or whatever.

Don’t worry Europe,

it’s not about your children, it’s some anonymous
Mold..whatever that are getting beaten and tortured this time by their own state institutions and crazy dictator. This happens all around the world, there’s plenty of mad regimes everywhere, isn’t it, one cannot really expect the bright shiny Europeans to solve every mess…
Have a Happy Easter surrounded by your loving families Mr. Solana, Mr. Barroso, Mrs. Ferrero-Waldner, Mr. Miliband and all EU foreign ministers! Enjoy it! Your children were born on the right side of the fence, they will never know the Soviet plight. And that’s the most important, isn’t it? Be careful not to choke with your Easter lamb, it might be a bit bloody this year!

The Atrocities Of The Repressive Regime in Chisinau Revealed

Article translated from: Evenimentul Zilei
Aprilie 13, 2009

Although prosecutors say that in Moldova Valeriu Boboc, 23, died of smoke poisoning during the anticommunist demonstrations last week, photos obtained by reporters EVZ (Evenimentul Zilei) show wounds on his face, a deep dent in his forehead and multiple bruises on his body .
The official forensic report says that the young man died of smoke poisoning. The document does not mention any beatings.

The family does not know the exact cause of death, but believes that the young man died after being brutally beaten by the police. Boboc’s body is covered in bruises and injuries, and a pronounced dent in his forehead. The Coroner’s Report, quoted by prosecutors in a communication from Chisinau reveals that the young man “suffered intoxication with a yet unknown substance.” “Prosecution is ready to allow international expertise in the investigation of the death of Valeriu Boboc, who was arrested during the protests and who died while in police custody, to expel all doubts about the cause of death.” The Prosecutor’s Office states that Boboc died April 8 at 1:15, on the way to the Emergency Hospital.

“Valeriu was arrested Tuesday, but we did not find out about it until Friday,” said Marcel Boboc, the victim’s brother. Valeriu Boboc was married and had a baby a year and a half old. Moreover, the leader of the opposition party Our Moldova Alliance, Serafim Urechean, spoke about the victim without mentioning his name, saying it was a young man of 23 years, from Bubuieci, Chisinau, “killed during police torture.”

Urechean also expressed disappointment over the attitude taken by European organizations concerning how the communist authorities handled the situation.
We feel, regretfully, that the dictatorship has overtaken us, due to the support of international organizations. The situation has gotten worse. The first sacrifices have appeared - killed by police torture - a young man, 23, from Bubuieci, here, in Chisinau. It is regrettable that not everyone in the EU understands the behavior of comrade Voronin. I would wish for them a communist ruler, to help them better understand.” said Urechean.
Yesterday, at a large opposition rally which gathered 6,000 people, Dorin Chirtoaca, the Liberal Party and vice mayor of the capital, urged the crowd to take a minute of silence in memory of Valeriu Boboc. “Young people of Moldova are tired of communism. They want a European future. The international community is already aware about the crimes of Communists in those days,” said Chirtoaca.
Contradiction. While the first page of the death certificate states that the coroner has not determined the cause of death, on the second page the cause is specified as “poisoning from unknown toxin”

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Communist man hunt in Chisinau. The West is silent. Why ?

An article by www.cotidianul.ro
April 11, 2009

The EU, UN and U.S. have not taken a firm stand against human rights abuses happening in Chisinau, while in other cases they are not afraid to use diplomatic pressure to defend the principles that have been built. Afraid to irritate Russia, lack of information, or even the Easter holiday are some possible explanations for this.

A group of 20 NGOs in Romania, the most prominent organizations working on human rights issues have called for human rights in Moldova, a country on the EU border. NGOs, including the Romanian Academic Society, CH-APADOR, and the Civic Alliance, require "an immediate response and responsibility for stopping the violence in Moldova", but blame the West and an indifference to human rights violations taking place now in the neighboring country.

Instead, the Russian Foreign Ministry and State Duma have not made no bones about showing support for the government in Chisinau and accusing Romania, more or less overtly, of involvement in protests in Chisinau.

Explanation for the lack of responsiveness of the West could be found in Moscow. Countries of Western Europe are not willing to ruin this moment in relations with Russia more than they have done so far with measures taken against Moscow. Not now, when so much talk from Washington about a "resetting of the relationship with Russia", and NATO has decided to resume the NATO-Russia discussions, suspended after the war in Georgia.

Former Foreign Minister Adrian Cioroianu said on cotidianul.ro that it would be desirable "for the EU to be more accurate on events in Moldova." "I mean being partisan, but firm, taking into account that there were human rights violated, the right to free speech, and there are many doubts. T
his view is shared by the chairman of the Senate foreign policy, Titus Corlăţean. "In the last few days have seen a improvement in the EU position. The Troika statement is stronger" than that of European commissioner for External Affairs, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, and the EU High Representative for foreign policy, Javier Solana, said Corlăţean, who is convinced that Brussels will have a different position after it will receive more information. "We have to take into account the fact that it starts with a disability. The EU looks towards the East and is looking at the relationship with the Russian Federation ", explained the Chairman of the Senate foreign policy.
The Chairman of Foreign Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies, Laszlo Borbely, considers the EU in "a standby. " position. And now, as with the Russian-Georgian war, the EU is on a vacation, especially with the Catholic Easter approaching, said to Cotidianul Chifu Iulian, director of the Center for Conflict Prevention.

"The European Union is forced to defend, at least the appearances of their own values," said Chifu, referring to the violation of the agreement with Brussels by Chisinau with the reintroduction of visas for Romanians. Moldova has committed more crimes: the agreement with the EU on visa facilitation, violation of its own Constitution by blocking access for Moldovan citizens in their country, and violations of the provisions of the Council of Europe on freedom of movement. Iulian Chifu also mentioned that in 1999, Belgrade has not allowed the access of Kosovars in Serbia-Montenegro.

The reactions journalists' organizations have also been weak. Thursday, Reporters Without Borders, the International Federation of Journalists and the Committee for Protection of Journalists protested against the authorities in Chisinau on stopping foreign journalists at the border.

After the events of Friday, however, when several journalists were detained by Moldovan police, there were no reactions.

At the request of cotidianul.ro the organization Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF) expressed their views and asked the authorities of Moldova to stop violence against journalists. "It is dangerous to use the pretext of nationality, because this will generate more violence", said Reporters Without Borders. The Organization for the Press of the South-Eastern Europe (SEEMO) has requested for Moldova to investigate abuses against journalists.

The other international associations were silent.

"We require Moldovan authorities to respect the right of free movement of citizens and journalists and to respect the right to freedom of expression and information. To ask foreign journalists for accreditation or other documents at the border was against the rules, knowing that foreign journalists need only accreditation if they are permanent correspondents in Moldova or have access to formal institutions of state or their representatives, "said SEEMO Secretary General, Oliver Vujovic.

Reactions came from the associations of the Republic of Moldova and Romania, as the Center for Independent Journalism, Independent Press Association, the Center for Investigative Journalism, The "Acess-Info " Center, Center for Young Journalists of Moldova, Journalists Union of Moldova , Broadcast Media Association and the Federation of Romanian Journalists (MediaSind).

In the last two days there have been serious attacks on journalists and, implicitly, on freedom of expression. Constantin Rogodantev, cameraman of PRO TV Chisinau, was assaulted on April 9, during the night, by the police force that protects the Moldovan Government. Yevgeny Kironaki, the cameraman Mihai Valentin Gabriel the driver Buzduga Colac all from the Realitatea TV station, were detained by the Moldovan police and released after several hours, then went to Romania.

Rodica Mahu, chief editor of newspaper "Jurnal de Chisinau", was abducted on April 10. She was reporting from the Government, where she was detained by persons out of uniform, interrogated by the police and released after two hours. Doru Dendiu from TVR, was also detained and was asked not to report anymore.

Translation of Press Releases / Traductions

Romana English Francais Espagnola Deutsch Magyar

Les droits de l'homme sont gravement violes dans la Republique Moldavie

Vendredi, 10 Avril, 2009

Suite a la fraude d'election de 5 Avril, 2009 dans la Republique Moldavie et les evenements qui ont suivi, un grand nombre de citoyens de la Republique Moldavie, residents en Roumanie, ont pris la decision de transmettre ce message a la communaute internationale, dans le but de tirer l'attention publique sur la situation de la Republique Moldavie au present.

Ce message est transmis au nom de nos familles, amis et collegues qui se lutte pour la defence de la democratie dans la Republique Moldavie.

On vous ecrivent dans le nom des jeunes qui ont fait partie de l'emancipation nationale de '89, les gamins qui ont suivi l'ecole pendant le regime communiste, les jeunes qui ont realise que le globe en verre dont ou ils vivent est poussiereux et plein de boue, les jeunes qui croient qu'ils peuvent changer leur future en outilisant le pouvoir du mot, nos parents, nos familles.

Tout a commence dans le jour de 7 avril, le premier jour d'impact nationale, quand 30 000 jeunes ont occupe la Place de la Grande Assemblee Nationale de Chisinau pour transformer le reve d'un futur libre en realite. Ils ont ete insultes par les dictateurs communists qui ont essaye d'abuser leurs ideals en les accusant de vandalisme et violence. Nous savons que la liberte coute cher, mais est ce qui'il faut qu'on meurent pour l'obtenir? On se demandent si les affirmations d'un seul homme qui a manipule un entier peuple sont plus fortes que les demandes de secours de la future generation? On a besoin d'attitude maintenant, pour aider les gens qui ont eu le courage de dire NON. On a besoin de soutien et du pouvoir du mot qui peux changer le destin de Moldavie, apporte par le „vent democratique”, comme tellement institutions interationales pretend d'etre.

Nos familles pensent aux soutien internationale chaque moment et leur courage et leur resistence depend de l'espoir qu'on est tous aupres d'eux.

Conformement aux donnes officiells (non officiellement la situation pourra etre beaucoup plus pire) autour de 500 jeunes (parmi d'eux ont ete aussi des mineurs) ont ete enleves en outilisant la force, en plein jour dans les rues de Chisinau. Seulement Dieu sache ce qui c'est passe avec eux. Tout ca est a cause du fait qu'ils ont eu le courage et le pouvoir de s'exprimer directement dans le nom de la justice et la liberte.

Chaque jour, le lundi, 6 Avril et mardi, 7 Avril 2099, dans la Place de la Grande Assemblee Nationale de Chisinau plus de 30.000 gens se sont ressemble. La majorite des gens sont jeunes.

Mercredi, 6 Avril 2009, leur nombre n'a pas depasse 8000 et jeudi - 1000. POURQUOI? Le „President”, Vladimir VORONIN, lance des menaces directs a l'addresse de tous ceux qui soutient et permettent d'un facon ou l'autre, la participation des citoyens de Moldavie, aux actions ou ils expriment libre leurs opinions en ce qui concerne l'election de 5 Avril 2009.

Ses actions d'intimidation depassent tous les limites democratiques. Ca ce passe chaue jour, meme a la limite de l'Union Europeene. Au meme temps, l'Union Europeene evite d'aborder une position en ce qui concerne les methodes terroristes des authorites de la Republique Moldavie, pour resoudre la situation tensionee. Le dialoque direct du „president” de notre pays et les gens qui protestent est completement inexistant.

Dans le nom des gens de la Place de la Grande Assemblee Nationale de Chisinau, qui se sont sacrifies et qui coninuent sacrifier leur liberte et leurs vies pour la liberte de tous les gens de Moldavie et pour defendre leurs droits d'hommes, il faut que nous


On fait un appel aux droits fondamentals de l'humanite: LE DROIT DE S'EXPRIMER LIBRE! En consequence, on fait un appel a tous les representants de la presse internationale, pour:

  • Se sensibiliser et s'impliquer activement dans l'information de l'opinion publique concernant la situation actuelle dans la Republique Moldavie;

  • Reflecter sur la situation de la Republique Moldavie dans le media de leur pays, la gravite avec laquelle les droits de base de l'homme sont violes dans la Republique Moldavie par ceux qui doivent les proteger – l'administration de la Republique Moldavie;

  • Fournir des informations reeles aux communautes locales et des exemples concrets de violation des droits de l'homme, la violence et le terreur avec laquelle les gens de Moldavie sont traites; les gens qui font rien d'autre chose que s'exprimer d'un facon pacifique;

  • Traiter avec discernement les informations donne par l'administration de Moldavie; ces informations esayyent desinformer l'opinion publique;

  • Soutenir la liberte de la presse dans la Republique Moldavie, en temir compte du fait que la seule source d'information – la television et le radio publique de Moldavie – est asservi au pouvoir et les televisions privees sont influences par menaces et chantage par l'administration de l'etat.

On est capable de dire des mots, de parler, de crier pour ceux qui ont les liaisons avec la civilisations coupes. La censure dans le media de la Republique Moldavie a apporte une confusion majore. Les activites qu'on deroulent ici a Cluj Napoca, en Roumanie sont importantes et necessaires, on veux qu'elles seront entendu par tout le monde. On collectent des sigratures de tous ceux qui croient dans la justesse de nos actions ici et a la maison, en Moldavie. N'importe quelle nationalite, institution ou personalite tu es, autant que tu crois dans la justice!


Romana English Francais Espagnola Deutsch Magyar

Los derechos humanos son gravemente violados en la República de Moldavia

Viernes, 10 de abril de 2009

Tras el fraude electoral del 5 de abril de 2009 en la República de Moldovia y los acontecimientos que siguieron, muchos ciudadanos de la República de Moldavia, los residentes en Rumanía, tomaron la decisión de transmitir este mensaje a la comunidad internacional, con el fin de llamar la atención del público a la situación de la República de Moldova hasta hoy.

Este mensaje es enviado en nombre de nuestras familias, amigos y compañeros que luchan por la defensa de la democracia en la República Moldavia.

Lo que se escribe en nombre de los jóvenes que formaban parte de la emancipación nacional del '89, los niños que asisten a la escuela durante el régimen comunista, los jóvenes que se dan cuenta de que el globo de cristal en la que viven es polvoriento y lleno de barro, los jóvenes que creen que pueden cambiar su futuro utilizando el poder de la palabra, nuestros padres, nuestras familias.

Todo comienza en los días de 7 de abril, el primer día de impacto nacional, cuando 30.000 jóvenes tomaron el lugar de la Gran Asamblea Nacional de Chisinau para transformar el sueño de un futuro libre en realidad. Fueron insultados por los dictadores comunistas que tratan de abusar de sus ideales, acusándolos de actos de vandalismo y violencia. Sabemos que la libertad es cara, pero hay que morir por ella? Nos preguntamos si las declaraciones de un hombre que manipula a todo un pueblo son más fuertes que las reclamaciones realizadas para el alivio de la próxima generación? Hay una necesidad de tomar una actitud ahora para ayudar a las personas que tuvieron la valentía de decir NO. Necesitamos el apoyo y el poder de la palabra que puede cambiar el destino de Moldavia, mediante la aportación de la "democrática del viento", tay y como Instituciones Internationales pretende ser.

Pensar en nuestras familias el apoyo internacional y cada vez su valor y su resistencia depende de la esperanza de que todos estamos con ellos.

De acuerdo con los datos oficiales (la situación no oficial podría ser mucho peor), alrededor de 500 jóvenes (entre ellos también menores de edad) fueron retirados por la fuerza, a plena luz del día en las calles de Chisinau. Sólo Dios sabe lo que está sucediendo con ellos. Todo esto es debido a que tuvieron el valor y el poder de hablar directamente en nombre de la justicia y la libertad.

Cada día, de lunes, 6 de abril y el martes 7 de abril 2009, en la Plaza de la Gran Asamblea Nacional en Chisinau más de 30.000 personas estaban présentes. La mayoría son jóvenes.

Miércoles 6 de abril de 2009, su número no excedía de 8.000 y el jueves - 1000. ¿POR QUÉ? El "Presidente" Vladimir Voronin, lanzó la amenaza directa a la dirección de todos los que apoyan y permiten, de una manera u otra, la participación de los ciudadanos de Moldavia, actuar libremente, o expresar sus opiniones libremente sobre la elección de 5 de abril de 2009.

Sus acciones de intimidación exceden los límites de la democracia. Pasa todos los días, aunque con las limitaciones impuestas desde la Unión Europea. Al mismo tiempo, la Unión Europea evita tomar una postura firme en relación a los métodos para resolver tensiones utilizado por las autoridades de la República de Moldavia. El dialogo directo del "presidente" de nuestro país y de las personas que protestan est inexistente.

En nombre del pueblo, que se sacrificaron y continua sacrificar su libertad y sus vidas por la libertad de todos los pueblos de Moldavia en la plaza de la Gran Asamblea Nacional en Chisinau, y de defender sus derechos que los hombres, necesitamos que estéis con nosotros!

Se trata de un recurso ante el derecho fundamental de la humanidad: el derecho a expresarse libremente! En consecuencia, hacemos un llamamiento a todos los representantes de la prensa internacional, para:

- Para concienciar y participar activamente en informar a la opinión pública acerca de la situación actual en la República de Moldavia;

- Reflexionar sobre la situación de la República de Moldavia en los medios de comunicación de su país, la severidad con la que los derechos fundamentales del hombre son violados en la República de Moldova por parte de aquéllos que los deben proteger - la administración de la República de Moldavia;

- Proporcionar información real a las comunidades locales y ejemplos concretos de violación de los derechos humanos, la violencia y el terror con que el pueblo de Moldavia es tratado : las personas arrestradas no hacian más que expresarse libre y pacíficamente;

- Tratar con discernimiento la información dada por el gobierno de Moldavia, que debe intentando desinformar a la población;

- Apoyar la libertad de prensa en la República Moldavia. La única fuente de información oficial - la televisión y la radio pública de Moldavia - está subordinado al poder, y los canales privados de televisión se ven influidas por las amenazas y el chantaje por el administración del Estado.

Podemos ser capaces de decir palabras, hablar, llorar por los que tienen toda conexión con los medios de información. La censura en los medios de comunicación de la República de Moldova aporta una mayor confusion. Los sucesos que ocurren aquí en Cluj Napoca, Rumanía son importantes y necesarias, y queremos darlas a conocer a todo el mundo. Recogemos firmas de apoyo de todos los que creen en la rectitud de nuestras acciones aquí y en en nuestra patria, en Moldavia, cualquiera sea su nacionalidad, su pertenencia a una institución o iniciativa personal, siempre y cuando crea en la justicia!

Todos con ellos!

Romana English Francais Espagnola Deutsch Magyar

Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der Republik Moldawien.

heute, 10. April 2009 Cluj Napoca, Rumänien
Pressemitteilung zur sofortigen Weiterleitung

Eine große Anzahl der in Rumänien lebenden moldawischen Staatsbürger haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die internationalen Medien auf die Situation in der Republik Moldawien aufmerksam zu machen, angesichts des Wahlbetruges am 5. April 2009. Diese Botschaft wird im Namen ihrer Angehörigen, ihrer Freunde und Kollegen, die zum Schutz der Demokratie in der Republik Moldawien kämpfen, übermittelt.

Sie sind die Kinder der nationalen Emanzipation von 1989, sie sind die Jugend, die unter einem kommunistischen Regime erzogen wurden, sie sind die jungen Leute, die gemerkt haben, dass die perfekte Glaskugel in der sie leben, staubig und rissig ist, sie sind die Jugend, die glaubt, den Lauf der Dinge kraft ihrer Worte und Taten ändern zu können.

Der 7. April war der erste Tag, an dem man den Einschlag spüren konnte, als 30.000 junge Menschen in Chisinau in der Piata Marii Adunari Nationale (Platz der Großen Nationalversammlung, PMAN abgekürzt) und ließen die Hoffnung einer Zukunft in Freiheit erneut aufleben. Die kommunistischen Tyrannen widersetzten sich uns und versuchten unsere Ideale zu untergraben indem sie uns des Vandalismus und der Gewalt bezichtigten. Wir wissen, dass die Freiheit teuer erkämpft werden muss, aber muss Blut der Preis sein? Wiegen die Worte einer Person, die eine gesamte Nation auf niederträchtige Weise manipuliert und in die Irre geführt hat mehr, als die Hilferufe der Generation der Zukunft? Wir müssen einen Weg finden um denjenigen zu helfen, die den Mut hatten NEIN zu sagen. Wir brauchen die Unterstützung und die Stärke internationaler Institutionen um die Demokratie schützen zu können.

Etwa 500 junge Menschen, unter denen sich noch Minderjährige befanden (die Zahlen sind die ofiziellen Statistiken. Die wahren Zahlen sind schwierig zu bestimmen) sind gewaltsam von den Straßen Chisinaus genommen worden, und Gott allein weiß was ihnen zugestoßen ist, weil sie den Mut, die Entschlossenheit und die Stärke hatten, ihre Hoffnung auf Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit offen auszudrücken. Die Leute, die den Mut hatten NEIN zu sagen, hängen jetzt von der Unterstützung der internationalen Gemeinschaft ab um ihren Mut und ihre Entschlossenheit zu unterstützen. Am Montag, den 6. April und am Dienstag, den 7. April 2009 waren in Chisinau etwa 30.000 Menschen in der Piata Marii Adunari Nationale, in großer Mehrheit jung. Am Mittwoch waren es 8.000 und am Donnerstag nur noch 1.000. WARUM?

Der Grund ist, dass Präsident Vladimir Voronin jeden moldawischen Staatsbürger, der seine offene Meinung zum Wahlbetrug am 5. April kundtut, oder eine solche Äußerung unterstützt oder erlaubt, publik macht und mit offenen Gewaltandrohungen verfolgen lässt. Dies lässt er von der eigenen Staatspolizei und den Sicherheitskräften ausführen, die eigentlich dazu da sind, die Rechte der Bürger zu wahren.

Diese Aktionen der Unterdrückung, die jeder demokratischen Ordnung spotten, sind heute die Norm und treten die Demokratie mit Füßen, direkt an der Türschwelle der Europäischen Union. Während all dies geschieht, vermeidet die Europäische Union einen klaren Standpunkt zur terroristischen Art und Weise mit der die Diktatur der Republik Moldawien versucht den Konflikt mit ihrem Volk auszublenden. Der Präsident verweigert jeglichen gehaltvollen Dialog mit dem Volk, ohne direkte Ansprachen oderirgendwelcher Kommunikation mit den Protestierenden.

Im Namen all derer in der Piata Marii Adunari Nationale, die ihre Freiheit für die Freiheit aller Moldawier geopfert haben und opfern und im Namen der Menschenrechte: LASST UNS IHNEN BEISTEHEN!

Wir nehmen ein essentielles menschliches Recht in Anspruch: DAS RECHT AUF FREIE MEINUNGSÄUßERUNG. Daher fordern wir die Mitarbeiter der internationalen Presse auf:

- das öffentliche Bewusstsein für die Situation in der Republik Moldawien zu schärfen und einen aktiven Beitrag zu leisten.

- die Situation in der Republik Moldawien in den lokalen und nationalen Zeitungen gewissenhaft, fair und in einer, der Ernsthaftigkeit der Situation angemessenen, Art und Weise zu schildern und über die flagranten Menschenrechtsverletzungen verübt von denjenigen, die mit ihrer Verteidigung anvertraut wurden zu berichten

- die örtlichen Gemeinschaften mit Information und konkreten Beispielen von Menschenrechtsverletzungen gegenüber denen, die lediglich versuchen ihre Meinung friedvoll auszudrücken zu versorgen.

- die Information, von Seiten der Staatsführung der Republik Moldawien mit kritischer Vorsicht zu behandeln, da ihre Aktionen oftmals zur Desinformation und Vertuschung gedacht sind.

- die Pressefreiheit in der Republik Moldawien zu unterstützen, angesichts der Tatsache, dass die einzigen Informationsmedien für den Normalbürger - Staatsfernsehen und Radio - ein Teil des Staatsapparates sind, während private Fernsehsender mit Drohungen und Erpressungen seitens des Staatsapparates in ihrer Arbeit behindert werden.

Wir sind in der Lage, diese Worte zu sagen, zu reden und zu rufen, für all diejenigen, die von der der demokratischen Gesellschaft abgeschnitten wurden. Die Zensur in den Massenmedien der Republik Moldawien ist die Ursache einer Massenkonfusion. Die Dinge, die wir in Cluj ausführen sind nützlich und notwendig, wir wollen, dass sie gehört werden und dafür werden wir alles in unserer Macht stehende tun. Wir sammeln unterschriften von all denjenigen, die glauben, dass unser Standpunkt gerecht ist.

Wir bitten um Aufmerksamkeit und Unterstützung.


Romana English Francais Espagnola Deutsch Magyar

Az emberi jogokat tiporják lábbal

Egy nagy létszámú moldovai állampolgárokból álló csoport, nagy részük romániai lakcimmel rendelkező, úgy döntött továbbitja önökhöz ezt a felhivást. Mert fel kell hivni a figyelmet arra a helyzetre amelyik a Moldovai Köztársaságban alakúlt ki, a 2009., április 5 – én lezajlott választásokon tapasztalt csalások nyomán.

Ezt az üzenetet azoknak a családoknak, a barátoknak és azoknak a társainknak a nevében tesszük közzé, akik a demokrácia megvedéséért küzdenek a Moldovai Köztársaságban. Ők az 1989-es nemzeti emancipáció gyermekei, azok a kölykök akik a kommunista rendszer évei alatt végeztég el az általános és középiskolás tanulmányaikat, azok a fiatalok akik rájöttek, hogy az az üveg búra ami alatt élnek poros és sárral van tele, ök azok a fiatalok akik abban hisznek, hogy a SZÓ erejével megtudnak változtatni valamit.

Április 7. volt az elsö említésre méltó nap, amikor 30.000 fiatal elfoglalta a chişinău-i Nagy Nemzeti Gyűlés Terét és feltámadt a vágy és megszületett az álom egy szabad jövőről. Szembeszállt velük a kommunista hatalom, aki megpróbálta becsapni öket és megvádolta öket vandalizmussal és tetlegességel. Tudjuk, hogy a szabadságnak nagy ára van, de vajon vér kell kiontasson érte? Vajon egy ember szavai, aki megalázó módon manipulált egy egész népet, többet érnek mint egy egész leendö generáció segélykiáltása? Allást kell foglalnunk, hogy segithessünk azokon az embereken akiknek volt bátorságuk NEM –et mondani. Nekik szükségük van a támogatásra és a szó erejére ami tud változtatni valamit ha “egy demokratikus fuvallat” jön, ahogy magukat szeretik tekinteni megannyi nemzetiközi intézmények.

Azok a fiatalok várják a nemzetközi közösség segitségét percröl percre és az ö bátorságuk és kitartásuk abból a reményböl táplálkozik, hogy mi melletünk állunk.

Körülbelül 500 chişinău-i fiatalt, köztük kiskorúakat is (a hivatalos adatok szerint, de a valós adatokat nehéz lenne megjósolni) összeszedtek eröszakkal az utcákról és csak a jó Isten tudja, hogy mi történhetett velük. És mindez azért mert a Moldovai Köztársaságban a fiataloknak volt bátorságuk és erejük nyiltan szólni az igazság és a szabadság nevében.

Hétfön, 2009, április 6. – án és kedden, 2009, április 7. – én , a chişinău-i Nagy Nemzeti Gyűlés Terén több mint 30.000 ember gyült össze, nagyrészük fiatal. Szerdán, 2009, április 8. – án, a számuk nem haladta meg a 8000-et, és csütörtökön, 2009, április 9. – én voltak 1000 (ezren). VAJON MIÉRT?

Vladimir Voronin elnök nyílt fenyegetéseket intéz azokhoz akik támogatják vagy megengedik bármilyen módon, a Moldovai Köztársaság állampolgárainak azt, hogy szabadon mondják ki a véleményüket az április 5. választásokon történt csalásokról.A megfélemlítési akciók, mely bármilyen demokratikús határt túllépnek, mindennaposak és a demokrácia alapelveit teszik tönkre épp az Európai Únió kapujánál. Ugyanakkor az Európai Únió késlekedik vagy kerüli azt, hogy állást foglaljon a Moldovai Köztársaság vezetöségének terrorista módszereivel szemben (ezekkel a módszerekkel a Moldovai Köztársaság a feszült helyzettet akarja megoldani). Ugyanakkor teljesen hiányzik bármilyen párbeszéd az ország elnöke és a tiltakozók között. Azok nevében akik ott voltak a téren, azok nevében akik a szabadságukat és életüket áldozták fel, a moldovai nép szabadságáért és az emberi jogok megvédéséért.


Egy alap emberi jog nevében: A SZÓLÁS SZABADSÁGA nevében! Felhívjuk a nemzetiközi sajtó összes képviselöjének figyelmét:

* Tudatositsák magukban a Moldovai Köztársaságban kialakúlt helyzet súlyát és vegyenek aktívan részt a közvélemény informálásában.

* A saját országuk médiáiban tegyék közzé a Moldovai Köztársaságban kialakúlt helyzetet és hangsúlyozzák azt, hogy ott az emberi jogokat tiporják lábbal épp azok akik arra hivatottak, hogy megvédjék ezeket a jogokat – a Moldovai Köztársaság vezetöi

* A helyi közösségeknek szolgáljanak konkrét információkkal és példákkal arról, hogyan szegik meg az emberi jogokat a Moldovai Köztársaságban, arról, hogyan viselik el a tetlegességet és a terrort azok akik tiltakoznak és így nem tesznek egyebet mint a véleményüknek adnak hangot

* Nagy körültekintéssel kezeljék azokat a hivatalos közleményeket melyeket a Moldovai Köztársaság vezetöségétöl származnak, mert ezek célja a félrevezetés és az eltussolás.

* Támogassák a sajtószabadságát a Moldovai Köztársaságban, számba véve azt, hogy az egyedüli információs forrás amihez az egyszerű moldovai állampolgár hozzájút – a moldovai nemzeti televizió és rádió adó – a hatalom alárendeltje, a magán televizió adókat pedig befolyásolyák az állami szervezetek külömbozö fenyegetésekkel és zsarolásokkal.

Képesek vagyunk rá, hogy kimondjunk szavakat, hogy beszéljünk, hogy felemeljük szavunkat azokért akik számára megszünt a kapcsolat a civilizációval. A cenzúra a Moldovai Köztársaság sajtójában egy teljes zürzavarhoz vezetett. Azok a tevékenységek amiket mi végzünk Kolozsváron hasznosak és szükségesek. Azt akarjuk, hogy haljanak felölük és ezért meg is fogunk tenni mindent. Aláirásokat gyüjtünk azoktól akik hisznek a mi tetteink helyességében, úgy itt, mint otthon is.

Nem számit milyen nemzetiségű vagy, hol dolgozol vagy milyen a személyiséged, addig amig hiszel az igazságban!